Webinar: Pipeline Integrity and Extending the Pipeline Lifecycle
Sponsored by: Marathon Oil
Focused on:
Date: 10st February
Days old: 5119
Time: 15:00 GMT
Pipeline Integrity and Extending the Pipeline Lifecycle
Pipeline Integrity Assurance is always initiated in the original design phase.
Every pipeline is designed for a known or assumed design life. Once that life is attained, the pipeline must be requalified for continued operation. As has been demonstrated over the years, pipe age alone is insufficient to qualify or disqualify operations beyond design life.
A variety of considerations are required to justify lifetime extensions. As the world's pipelines come of age & lifecycle analyses will become essential and sometimes mandated by regulators.
Presented by

Bryan Melan,
Sr. Pipeline Engineer, Marathon Oil
Bryan Melan is currently the Senior Pipeline Engineer with Marathon Oil UK in Aberdeen responsible for developing operations management systems and integrity assurance programs for Marathon's pipeline assets in the North Sea.
He has been a pipeline engineer for over 30 years and has focused on pipeline integrity management since 1990 with both Marathon Pipe Line Co. and Sun Pipe Line Co. in the USA. Mr. Melan is past-Chairman of the NACE technical committee for Pipeline In-Line Inspection and the Pipeline and Well Casings Standards supervisory committee; Co-Chairman of API 1163 committee; Vice-Chairman of the NACE technical committee for Pipeline Defect Assessment; and has served on the ASME B31.4 committee. He is currently serving on the Advisory Committee for the 2011 Unpiggable Pipeline Solutions Forum and is an active member in the UK Pipeline Users Group (PLUG).
Bryan holds U.S. and International patents for pipeline integrity management processes. He has also provided depositions and expert witness testimony on this topic in pipeline accident-related litigation. He has earned Bachelors and Masters degrees in Civil and Petroleum Engineering from Tulane University in Louisiana and is a Licensed Professional Engineer in Pennsylvania.

Key Learning Objectives
- The pipeline lifecycle – what is it?
- How integrity should be integrated into the design of new pipelines
- Good operations and maintenance practices complement integrity assessments to provide a picture of pipeline integrity status during lifetime operations
- What are the latest tools, codes, and standards to assist in life extension analyses
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