Webinar: Unattended and flexible protein determination in food samples

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Date: 22rd April

Days old: 3587

Time: 3PM London/4PM Bern/10AM New York

Established combustion method meets innovative technology to ease your work routine

The determination of nitrogen and protein content is a key parameter for the food and feed industry to evaluate raw materials and processed goods as well as to qualify products for legislative purposes. The combustion method according to Dumas allows fast sample analysis without using hazardous chemicals.

This webinar shows the Dumas combustion method. You will see how this method works and what applications are possible. Easy sample preparation in combination with a short analysis time maximizes your sample throughput, whilst allowing you to perform other tasks.

The guest speaker Jon Griffin from Kent Scientific Services will focus on how nitrogen analysis can be used to determine the composition of foods and feeding stuffs - along with the importance of accuracy, tolerances and uncertainties in nutrition analysis. You will learn how to deal with the legislation, the importance of robustness and reliability when commissioning equipment.

Join the webinar and learn how to simplify the work routine in your lab!

Presented by

Andrea Mühleis,

Product Specialist,
Kjeldahl & Dumas Solutions,
BÃœCHI Labortechnik AG

Andrea Mühleis is the Product Specialist for Kjeldahl & Dumas Solutions at BÜCHI Labortechnik AG in Switzerland. She graduated at the University of Hohenheim in Germany as an engineer for food technology. She was formerly the development chemist at BÜCHI Labortechnik AG responsible for the development of the Kjeldahl and Dumas instruments.

Jon Griffin,

Public Analyst,
Kent Scientific Services

Jon Griffin graduated from Robert Gordon Institute of Technology (now Robert Gordon University), Aberdeen having obtained an honours degree in Physical Sciences majoring in Chemistry. He joined Kent County Council in 1988 as a Graduate Scientist where he carried out classical and instrumental analysis of foods, agricultural samples, waters and consumer goods. In 1997 he registered for the Mastership of Chemical Analysis (MChemA) and completed the qualification in 2002 when he was then appointed as a Public Analyst. Since then he had undertaken the role of Public Analyst and Technical Manager at Kent Scientific Services, West Malling, Kent.

Key Learning Objectives

  • Understand the theory behind the Dumas combustion method
  • Find out what application fulfils your specific needs
  • See the importance of a robust method with reliable results
  • How to transfer the knowledge to your lab


  • Head of Quality Control
  • Head of Laboratory
  • Laboratory Assistant
  • Laboratory Technician
  • Chemist
  • Purchasing Agents
  • Quality Manager
  • Public Analyst
  • Production Manager
  • Head of R&D