Transforming your digital journey in the era of Industry 4.0

Date: 4th Jun 2020

Venue: Chicago

The manufacturing industry is witnessing a digital transformation. This transformation helps in assimilating and analyzing data across connected machines/devices enabling faster, flexible and efficient processes. With the advent of digital manufacturing, there is an observed shift in the implementation of offerings. It has helped in reshaping businesses, achieving operational efficiency, optimizing operations, ensuring security and elevating business strategies with innovative solutions.

The advancements and innovations in areas like IIOT, Autonomous Robot, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data & Analytics, Digital Twin, Cyber security, etc. have led industry leaders to assent that it will unlock valuable data insights. These insights will accelerate business growth and change the manufacturing landscape. Companies are adopting new practices to embrace these new technologies.

Few initiatives that has sparked a revolution in the Manufacturing industry and are here to stay -

• Improving operational efficiency to maintain quality and consistency with Automation, Planning and Management

• Reducing risks with Predictive Maintenance

• Ensuring a secure environment by introducing monitoring and detection techniques for Labor and Asset security

At the conference, we will showcase how we have gained in depth knowledge of these technologies and created an ecosystem that can help the manufacturing industry to evolve during this industry revolution.

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