Ensure you capitalize on changes in the European energy market.
The electricity sector in Europe is undergoing a technology shift, where the electricity supply side is leading the way to deliver decarbonization of the energy sector. However, delivering on the Net Zero targets depends on changes to other energy sectors including transport and heating. Net Zero will lead to a growth in electricity demand.
Europe plans to decarbonize the transport sector by replacing the petrol and diesel fleet of road vehicles with electric vehicles (EV) or in some cases hydrogen-powered vehicles. In some countries, internal combustion (IC) cars cannot be sold in as little as 9 years from now. Simultaneously, the heating sector is also being forced to switch from conventional (gas/oil) sources to carbon-free sources, such as heat pumps or electrode boilers in various industries.
These changes in the heat and transport sectors will increase the total electricity demand, modifying consumption profiles, which will impact the electricity markets. Comprehending the implications of this transition on electricity markets is vital to make informed investment and operational decisions. The overall impact on the market (electricity prices) will depend on the rate of change.
For the first time, the industry is undergoing both a technology change and demand changes simultaneously.
Join us to get an insight into these changes and how they will impact your planning and investment decisions
Presented by
Hameed Safiullah,
Senior Consultant, Energy Markets
Hameed is an expert electricity market modeller and economist with expertise in the modelling and optimization of new and renewable energy technologies. He has significant experience in the energy sector working across various energy markets in Europe, the US, India, Middle East, Africa, and South America. At Hitachi-ABB Power Grids, Hameed provides regional energy market analysis for pan-European electricity markets. Prior to his current role, he was a Programme Officer in the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) providing technical advisory services to governments and energy ministries on renewable energy deployment.
Hameed holds a Ph.D. in Engineering and Public Policy (Power System Economics) from Carnegie Mellon University and an M.S. in Operations Research from Purdue University.
Ayse Sabuncu,
Principal Consultant, European Energy Markets
Ayse Sabuncu is an energy systems expert for ENTSO-E countries and Turkey. She has over 18 years of energy consulting and energy system modelling (including software implementation) experience. She has led a number of high profile projects across Europe providing strategic advice to a range of clients (i.e. governmental organisations, investors, utilities and project developers) on infrastructure investments and system/asset operations. Ayse has also provided thought leadership on the assessment of regulatory and national policy impacts on the development and operation of future electricity systems.
Ayse holds an MSc degree in Economics, Finance and Business from the University of Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain.
Sandra Barut,
Energy Market Advisor
Sandra Barut is an expert electricity market modeller with extensive expertise in the European energy markets. She provides regional energy market analysis for the European electricity, fuel and carbon markets. Currently she is working on the decarbonization of heat and transport demand in various European countries. Sandra has been involved in various projects including generation investment studies, market modelling and price forecasting projects for Ireland, Poland, Northwest Europe. Recently analysis of the electricity markets in Southeast Europe was added to the portfolio of her energy market expertise.
Sandra holds a degree of Power Process Engineering with a specialisation in the Renewable Energy Sources from Cracow University of Technology.