Webinar: Advanced, globally proven mycotoxin testing from farm to fork

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    Date: 25th June

    Days old: 4253

    Time: 3PM London/10AM New York

    Introducing a revolutionary approach for the fast, accurate and cost effective measurement of multiple-mycotoxins

    Mycotoxins are chemicals produced by fungi. The FAO estimates that 25% of global crops are contaminated with fungi that may produce mycotoxins. Other sources estimate that 5-10% of all commodities traded globally are contaminated by mycotoxins. The incidence of contamination varies each year depending on climatic conditions but over the last ten years, mycotoxins consistently accounted for 30-60% of food and feed rejections at European Union borders.

    Current testing methodologies are a compromise between speed with low cost and accurate but high-priced alternatives. Techniques that offer a relatively fast and cost effective test, suffer from a lack of accuracy. They produce many false positives and are not able to provide precise results at the low limits of detection required by stringent regulations, such as those in force in the EU. Accurate methods that can provide results compliant with regulations, such as HPLC, are unfortunately very costly and require highly experienced technicians to run and interpret the tests.

    All these issues led ToxiMet to develop a totally new testing platform, which can be used by non-scientists and can be deployed at every point in the food supply chain.

    During the webinar we’ll discuss the global mycotoxin problem and how a lack of quick, accurate, cost effective, easy to use testing could impact on your business or institution. We’ll present what customers tell us is a game-changing technology that can be employed across the global food supply chain – from farm to fork.

    Presented by

    Professor Ray Coker,

    Founder & Director of Innovation, ToxiMet Limited

    Ray graduated with a PhD in Natural Products Chemistry from City University, London. He is a Chartered Chemist and a Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry. From University he joined the Natural Resources Institute (NRI) latterly as Professor of Food Safety in the Food Management and Marketing Group. Over 30 years he became involved with the international management of food and feed safety, specialising in the control of mycotoxins.

    He has advised many major global organisations including the Food and Agricultural Organisation, USAID, the World Health Organisation and the EU during which time he led a variety of international, multidisciplinary projects. Ray is recognised as one of the world’s leading experts in his field.

    Elham Farajpour,

    Quality Control Manager, Cap Industries

    Cap Industries, founded in 1989 is a market-leading, specialist trader in tree nuts and dried fruits. The company currently handles around 50,000 tons of products each year, has an annual turnover of 160 million and operates globally across 5 continents. Quality control at all stages of the supply chain is critical in allowing Cap Industries to supply high quality product with little wastage. Consistency and accuracy of testing across ten sites in France, Germany, USA, Iran, India, Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Lebanon and China, is paramount to the companys success. Food safety is at the core of the companys philosophy and daily operational practices. The company is a signatory of the ETI (Ethical Trading Initiative) charter.

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    Key Learning Objectives

    • Learn about the current issues and challenges relating to mycotoxins in the global food supply chain
    • Understand the importance of consistent testing at all points in the global food supply chain
    • Learn how the ToxiQuant technology compares to current testing techniques
    • Understand how fast, accurate, cost effective multiple-mycotoxin analysis can be brought to your facility and used by non-specialist operators


    • Quality Scientist
    • Quality Manager
    • Laboratory Manager
    • Food Safety Scientist
    • Food Safety Manager
    • Director of Quality
    • Director of Food Safety
    • Managing Director
    • Quality Director
    • Import / Export Director
    • Import / Export Manager
    • Laboratory Technician
    • CEO
    • CTO
    • COO