Webinar: Judicious Antibiotic Use in Clinical Practice

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Date: 16th May

Days old: 2830

Time: 6am New York/12pm Stockholm/3:30pm Mumbai

Avoid Uncertainty with a White Blood Cell Count at the Point of Care

Uncertainty regarding the diagnosis when patients have bacterial or viral infections, especially respiratory infections, often leads to excessive, unnecessary antibiotic use, thereby promoting the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

Clinicians have long known that antibiotics can hasten recovery from illness and save lives, but more recent evidence shows that antibiotics can also cause harm by disturbing the natural balance of the human microbiome. Therefore, judicious use of antibiotics has emerged as a desired goal for patients and clinicians.

This webinar addresses judicious antibiotic use and discusses how use of a simple white blood cell count and differential laboratory test, easily performed in minutes, can assist in deciding who to treat and who not to treat with antibiotics.

Register today for this webinar. The webinar will also be available on demand, so to make sure you get the link register today.

Presented by

Michael Pichichero, MD,

Director of Rochester General Hospital Research Institute NY USA

Michael Pichichero, MD is a physician-scientist, trained and board certified in pediatrics, pediatric infectious diseases and adult and pediatric allergy/immunology. He is Director of the Rochester General Hospital Research Institute, Rochester NY, USA.

He has published over 350 scientific articles, made nearly 900 scientific presentations and has received about $90 million (US) in research support involving respiratory infections and vaccines to prevent such infections. He has served as a consultant to the WHO and the USFDA on vaccine safety and judicious antibiotic use.

Key Learning Objectives

  • Discussing and understanding judicious antibiotic use
  • How a Point of Care white blood cell count, easily performed in minutes, can assist in deciding who to treat and who not to treat with antibiotics


  • General Practitioners (GPs)
  • General Physicians
  • Paediatrics