Webinar: Ever Wondered How to Reduce Invoicing Costs, Ensure Accurate PO's and How to Control Wild-Cat Purchases?
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Date: 5th July
Days old: 2775
Time: 3PM London/10AM New York
Join ABB to find out how they changed the procurement game of retailers and municipalities around the world, with reduced invoice processing by more than 80%, delivering 100% of orders to suppliers electronically and upwards of 4% savings on total purchase spending
All organisations buy and sell. They are, therefore, part of a supply chain. The efficiency of that supply chain is a key factor in the performance and effectiveness of an organisation.
Today, even with modern communication capabilities, many supply chains are paper-based: purchase order, invoices, shipping manifests… This leads to:
• Failure to achieve contract compliance and negotiated savings
• Purchases based on stale product or service information
• Additional overhead to deal with invoice and PO mismatch
• Inefficient and error-prone transactions between you and your partners
This Webcast, featuring real word stories from around the globe will demonstrate how leading retailers addressed these issues. Axis is an innovative and proven platform that delivers frictionless purchase and supply interactions between trading organisations. It is an enabler for your organisation to become a best-in-class procurement performer.
During the Webcast we will show how the Axis cloud-collaboration engine transformed processes in a busy operational environment across three important areas:
Procure-to-pay processing
Supplier e-commerce storefront
Contractor Work Management
If you have ever wondered about how to reduce invoicing costs, ensure accurate POs or control wild-cat purchases, then please join us to learn more.
The webinar is 60 minutes long which consists of a 45 minute presentation/discussion and a 15 minute Q & A session.
Download the ABB Ability Axis Cloud Collaboration Platform Brochure
Presented by
Mark Willson,
Solution Consultant
Mark has worked for ABB since 2003, focussed on how IT solutions can be applied to solve real-world business challenges. Mark has worked with large scale organisations in many industries, including Marks and Spencer, British Telecom and Barclay’s Bank.
Emmanuel Cuvillier,
EMEA Product Executive, Axis, Ellipse & LinkOne
Emmanuel has worked for ABB since 2013 and has been leading the Ellipse, Axis and LinkOne product group in EMEA since July 2015. Before ABB, Emmanuel has spent 15 years in various global industrial companies (Total, Rhône-Poulenc, Ingersoll-Rand) and 15 years at enterprise software leaders such as Ariba (FreeMarkets), PrimeRevenue and Amazon (Kiva Systems).

Key Learning Objectives
- How to transform procure to pay processing
- How to ensure on-contract spend by making it the obviously right thing to do
- How the team were able to embed and realise a supplier ecommerce shop front
- How Contractor work management is no longer the headache it once was
- Procurement & Finance Manager / Director
- Operations Director
- Contractor Management
- Purchasing Officer
- Chief Buyer/Buyer
- Field Services Director
- Chief Treasurer/Treasurer
- Head of Accounting/Accounting
- Service Manager
- Contracts Manager